Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο


Although Moscow denies it is sending private military contractors to Syria, plenty of people say that’s untrue. Among them are dozens of friends and former colleagues of the fighters and people associated with the firm that recruits the men – a shadowy organization known as Wagner with no offices, not even a brass plaque on a door.
It was founded by Dmitry Utkin, a former military intelligence officer, according to people interviewed during this investigation. Its first combat role was in eastern Ukraine in support of Moscow-backed separatists, they said. Reuters was unable to contact Utkin directly. The League of Veterans of Local Conflicts, which according to Russian media has ties to Utkin, declined to pass on a message to him, saying it had no connection to the Wagner group.
Russia has 2,000 to 3,000 contractors fighting in Syria, said Yevgeny Shabayev, local leader of a paramilitary organization in Russia who is in touch with some of the men. In a single battle in February this year, about 300 contractors were either killed or wounded, according to a military doctor and two other sources familiar with the matter.
A Russian private military contractor who has been on four missions to Syria said he arrived there on board a Cham Wings flight from Rostov. The flights were the main route for transporting the contractors, said the man, who asked to be identified only by his first name, Vladimir. He said the contractors occasionally use Russian military aircraft too, when they can’t all fit on the Cham Wings jets.
Two employees at Rostov airport talked to Reuters about the men on the mysterious flights to Syria.
“Our understanding is that these are contractors,” said an employee who said he assisted with boarding for several of the Syria flights. He pointed to their destination, the fact there were no women among them and that they carried military-style rucksacks. He spoke on condition of anonymity, saying he wasn’t authorized to speak to the media.
Reuters wasn’t able to establish how many passengers were carried between Russia and Syria, and it is possible that some of those on board were not in Syria in combat roles. Some may have landed in Damascus, then flown to other destinations outside Syria.
Interviews with relatives of contractors killed in Syria also indicate the A320 flights to Rostov are used to transport Russian military contractors. The widow of one contractor killed in Syria said the last time she spoke to her husband by phone was on Jan. 21 last year – the same day, according to flight-tracking data, that a Cham Wings charter flew to Syria.
“He called on the evening of the 21st ... There were men talking and the sound of walkie-talkies. And by the 22nd he was already not reachable. Only text messages were reaching him,” said the woman, who had previously visited her husband at a training camp for the contractors in southern Russia.
After he was killed, she said, his body was delivered to Russia. She received a death certificate saying he had died of “haemorrhagic shock from shrapnel and bullet wounds.”
The widows of two other contractors killed in Syria described how their husbands’ bodies arrived back home. Like the first widow, they spoke on condition of anonymity. They said representatives of the organization that recruited their husbands warned of repercussions if they spoke to the media.
The two contractors had been on previous combat tours, their widows said. The women said they received death certificates giving Syria as the location of death. Reuters saw the certificates: On one, the cause of death was listed as “carbonization of the body” – in other words, he burned to death. The other man bled to death from multiple shrapnel wounds, the certificate said.
One of the widows recounted conversations with her husband after he returned from his first tour of duty to Syria. He told her that Russian contractors there are often sent into the thick of the battle and are the first to enter captured towns, she said.
Syrian government forces then come into the town and raise their flags, he told her, taking credit for the victory


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Κελεύω δεν σημαίνει μόνο .....προστάζω-διατάζω

Αν ανατρέξουμε στην ΒΙΚΙΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ, στο λήμμα Κελευστής, θα διαβάσουμε το παρακάτω: Η λέξη «κελευστής» προέρχεται από το ρήμα κελεύω (προστάζω) . Αν στον ίδιο δικτυακό τόπο, ανατρέξουμε στο λήμμα Κελεύω, θα διαβάσουμε: 1.   Παροτρύνω-παρακινώ      2.   Διατάζω –παραγγέλλω     3.   Ζητώ-αξιώνω     4.   Παρακαλώ-ικετεύω Επιχειρώντας μια βαθύτερη προσέγγιση του όρου κελεύω και του αντίστοιχου βαθμού στο πολεμικό ναυτικό, Κελευστής, ανατρέχουμε, που αλλού;  στην αρχαία ελληνική γραμματεία και φυσικά στον Ξενοφώντα. Η Κρίστυ Εμίλιο Ιωαννίδου, συγγραφεύς και ερευνήτρια ναυτικής ιστορίας, στο βιβλίο της , ΛΕΞΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΑΙΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΝΑΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΟΡΩΝ  και  στο σχετικό λήμμα για τον Κελευστή, αναφέρει επικαλούμενη ως πηγή, το έργο του Ξενοφώντα (ΞΕΝΟΦΩΝΤΟΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟΣ 21,3) Οι μεν των κελευστών δύναται τοιαύτα λέγειν και ποιείν,ώστε ακονάν τας ψυχάς των ανθρώπων επί το εθελοντάς πονείν!!! Αφήνω την μετάφραση για τους αναγνώστες για  να ξεσκονίσουν επί τη ευκαιρί

Τεχνητος πνιγμος

Ο τεχνητος πνιγμος ειναι μια παλαιοτάτη τεχνικη ανακρισης-βασανισμου. Ο ανακρινομενος τοποθετειται με κλιση πανω σε μια στερεη επιφανεια , δενεται σφιχτα και εν συνεχεια τοποθετειται στο προσωπο του μια πετσετα . Η συνεχης ριψη νερου δημιουργει το φαινομενο που διακρινεται στην κατω δεξια μικρη φωτο . Αυτη η κατακλυση με νερο των κοιλοτητων του κεφαλιου που συνδεονται αμεσα με την διαδικασια της αναπνοης , προκαλει ασφυκτικο φαινομενο και οχι μονο (ταχυκαρδιες), τα οποια εχουν και ψυχολογικες προεκτασεις εφοσον το θυμα υποβληθει σε συνεχη διαδικασια τεχνητου πνιγμου. Μελετες εχουν δειξη οτι και μετα 10 χρονια απο την υποβολη στην διαδικασια του τεχνητου πνιγμου τα θυματα εμφανιζουν πλεον των ψυχολογικων επιπτωσεων  πονους στο κεφαλι και πνευμονικες -αναπνευστικες διαταραχες. Ο τεχνητος πνιγμος αποτελει κομματι της εκπαιδευσης των αμερικανικων ειδικων δυναμεων, ενω σαν τεχνικη βασανισμου και ανακρισης εχει χρησιμοποιηθει απο τους Γαλλους στην Αλγερια, τους Αγγλους στην β.Ιρλανδι

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