Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο


Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Φεβρουάριος, 2018

The unlawful action taken by Turkey....

"Χλιαρή" υποστήριξη από μέλη του Βρετανικού κοινοβουλίου

Πόλεμος προπαγάνδας από την Τουρκική πλευρά

Την ίδια στιγμή: A Human Rights Watch report, Friday, showed that the Turkish Armed Forces appear to have failed to take necessary precautions to avoid civilian casualties in northwest Syria for at least three attacks they investigated in detail. The group said that they investigated three assaults on Afrin – on January 21, 27, and 28 – that killed at least 26 civilians, including 17 children.  https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/02/23/syria-civilian-deaths-turkish-attacks-may-be-unlawful

Nüfuz Edici Bomba (NEB)

Nüfuz Edici Bomba (NEB), yer üstü ve yer altındaki hedeflere karşı kullanılmak üzere tasarlanan, Ardışık Delici Harp Başlığı teknolojisine sahip, Türkiye’de geliştirilen ilk beton delici mühimmattır. NEB’in dış geometrisi, güdüm kiti arayüzleri, kütle, kütle merkezi ve eylemsizlik özellikleri MK-84 (2000 lb.) GMB ile benzerdir. Genel Özellikler Düşük çarpma hızlarında ve açılarında dahi yüksek delme etkinliği, Ön Delici tasarımında kullanılan önceden şekillendirilmiş parçacıklar ile ikincil hedeflere karşı yüksek etkinlik, Programlanabilir ateşleme zamanları, Farklı hedef tiplerine karşı kullanılabilme özelliği, MK-84 (2000 lb.) GMB ile uyumlu tüm güdüm kitleri ile kullanılabilme potansiyeli, MK-84 (2000 lb.) GMB taşıyabilen tüm uçaklardan atılabilme potansiyeli. Temel Özellikler Boy: 2600 mm En Büyük Çap: 457.2 mm Ağırlık: 870 kg Patlayıcı Tipi Ön Delici : PBX-110 Ana Delici : PBX-109 Tapa Ön Delici : ONUR-1 MOD 4 Ana Delici: FMU-152 A/B Hedef Tipleri Gömü

HSH Nordbank sale in separate private equity vehicles: sources

BERLIN (Reuters) -  Buyout groups Cerberus and J.C. Flowers plan to buy Germany’s troubled HSH Nordbank [HSH.UL] through separate vehicles for the lender’s core operations and its non-performing assets, people close to the matter said. The state owners of HSH Nordbank are on the final stretches of exclusive talks with the private equity groups and said on Monday that they would inform the public about the sale on Wednesday. To meet EU demands on the viability of HSH Nordbank after a sale, the lender will be sold without the less than 7 billion euros ($8.6 billion) of bad loans sitting in its internal ‘bad bank’, the sources said. The bulk of the non-performing assets will, however, be bought by the investors using one or more other platforms. That way, the ship financier would be able to decrease its non-performing loans to around 2 percent of its portfolio from 11.7 percent as of Sept 30. That would also pave the way for an inclusion of HSH Nordbank in the deposit p

Sea Power

Turkey has the right to protect its national interests

Geography awards a privileged geostrategic and economic position to Turkey. It sits on a natural hub of the Mediterranean, where thousand-year-old land and maritime trade routes meet and cross. This location, though, also exposes Turkey to numerous geopolitical challenges. Some of them pose grave risks to its security and are stress-testing its foreign policy. It is important to understand the delicacy of Turkey’s situation in both business and politics. In today's multipolar world, Turkey is forced to resume its role as a regional power Finding itself in such an intricate and difficult environment, Turkey has changed its regional paradigm. The country now engages in an advance strategy to defend its core security interests. In this context, the Horn of Africa, which controls access from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea, the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean, is strategically important to Turkey – all the more so as Iran consolidates its role in Yemen. Turkey’s increased visibi

“Ufology and Exopolitics

A research center at Akdeniz University in the Mediterranean province of Antalya has included “Ufology and Exopolitics” in its latest curriculum, in a bid to prepare for possible contact with visitors from outer space. Erhan Kolbaşı, the tutor of the class and deputy chair of the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center, told the Doğan News Agency that humankind could make contact with extraterrestrial beings “within 10 or 15 years.” “We believe representatives from the world and extraterrestrial civilizations will soon be making official contact with each other. We think they will be in an open and mass contact,” Kolbaşı said. He added that the lesson was a part of preparations for the “biggest change seen in the history of the world.” Kolbaşı also claimed that a shady group named “MJ12” has been suppressing the spread of knowledge on extraterrestrial beings “in order to protect the national interests of the U.S.” Fiber optic cables, microchips, night vision technology and bull

Νέα συστήματα θα δοκιμασθούν στην ΑΦΡΙΝ από τον Τουρκικό στρατό

Με χαρακτηριστικότερο όλων το αυτόνομο όχημα Εjder Yalcin 4x4 Το συγκεκριμένο υπηρετεί ήδη και πλέον υπάρχει και σε μη επανδρωμένη έκδοση

Eν αναμονή επίθεσης σε πόλεις δυτικά της ΑΦΡΙΝ ο Τουρκικός στρατός

  500 μέλη του Ελεύθερου Συριακού στρατού.... και άγνωστος αριθμός μελών της στρατοχωροφυλακής και των ειδικών δυνάμεων της Τουρκικής αστυνομίας αναμένουν την διαταγή για να επιτεθούν στις περιφερειακές της Αφρίν πόλεις!

SU-57 στην Συρία

THE FORGOTTEN SOLDIERS OF LESVOS. Οι ξεχασμένοι "στρατιώτες της Λέσβου!

An Afghan refugee looks at a photo of his mujahideen fighters, including Ahmad Shah Masood (center) who was assassinated by Al-Qaeda on September 9, 2001 as a thank you gift to the Taliban. Shala Gafary is an Afghan-American attorney, New Yorker, and Blossom Hill Fellow working on legal issues affecting refugees in Greece and Turkey. Photos by Claire Thomas The Trump supporters were right — militants are among the refugees arriving in Europe. Men who know how shoot a gun, kill their enemy, and pluck an aircraft of the sky. They are fanatic in their beliefs and relentless in their objectives. Our land is ours and we are willing to give up our lives for it. Those men are now among us. But they’re not the kind we had been warned about. Of the 12,000 who have arrived on the Greek islands since March 20, there are among them elderly Afghan men. For nearly forty years, these men were at war. At first, against the Soviets, then in a bloody civil war, and finally against the Taliba

Turkey to use unmanned land vehicles in Afrin.

The vehicle can be controlled by satellite, which allows the user to control multiple vehicles without a distance limit. (AA) At least 20 unmanned land vehicles will be supplied to Turkish Armed Forces for Operation Olive Branch in northwestern Syria. The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), already an effective user of unmanned aerial vehicles, will soon start deploying unmanned land vehicles on the ground in the country's ongoing counterterror operation. An official from the undersecretariat of the Turkish Defence Industry, who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons, told  Anadolu Agency  on Friday that more than 20 unmanned land vehicles would be delivered to the TAF in the near future for use in Operation Olive Branch, launched by Turkey on January 20 to remove YPG/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin. The official from the Defense Industry undersecretariat said the vehicle, a remote-controlled shooting platform (UKAP) developed by the Turkish company Katmercil

Ο Τούρκος στρατιώτης στην ΑΦΡΙΝ της Συρίας

O εφοδιασμός της ομάδος με ανιχνευτή ναρκών αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο παρελκόμενο των μονάδων που επιχειρούν σε περιβάλλον ανταρτοπολέμου. Η απουσία του "συνδρόμου στολής" είναι πασιφανής. Η πολυετής εμπειρία από το Κουρδικό αντάρτικο έχει αφαιρέσει από την διοίκηση και το προσωπικό "εμφανισιακές" αγκυλώσεις και εγκυβωτισμούς. Κυρίως έχει απομακρυνθεί από την λεγόμενη "τοξική διοίκηση" λίαν εμφανήν σε στρατούς που στερούνται πολεμικής εμπειρίας.

Εν μέσω στρατιωτικών επιχειρήσεων στην Αφρίν...

  ....έντονες οι αντιδράσεις για την μη λειτουργία στρατιωτικών νοσοκομείων! Αυξάνουν συνεχώς οι φωνές διαμαρτυρίας για την μη λειτουργία των Τουρκικών στρατιωτικών νοσοκομείων και την μείωση του ειδικευμένου προσωπικού σε 2-3 εκατοντάδες ιατρών. Ειδικότερα, μόλις 7 στρατιωτικοί ιατροί από την Κωνσταντινούπολη και 10 πολίτες με εξειδίκευση στα πολεμικά τραύματα έχουν αποσπασθεί σε πολιτικό νοσοκομείο στα σύνορα με την Συρία για την αντιμετώπιση τραυμάτων μάχης!!

Chad Petroleum, Energy & Mining Summit. April 11, 2018

Joint Statement on Turkey-U.S. Strategic Partnership

The Republic of Turkey and the United States, as allies and strategic partners, reaffirm their mutual and unequivocal commitment to each other’s security and defense. As Allies within NATO and strategic partners for over 65 years, both nations consider their relations as vital to furthering their shared goals and interests, as well as to the promotion of democracy, rule of law and individual freedoms throughout the world. The United States condemns the heinous coup attempt that took place in Turkey on July 15, 2016 and stands in full solidarity with the democratically elected Government of Turkey and the Turkish people. In the spirit of our longstanding alliance, we reaffirm our commitment to resolving outstanding issues in the bilateral relationship. The two sides agreed to establish a results-oriented mechanism for this purpose. This mechanism will be activated no later than mid-March. We reaffirm that our common agenda is a global one, which includes many critical issu

H ώρα των Διεθνολόγων και των Στρατηγικών Αναλυτών

Turkey Threatens to Invade Greece

Turkey's ruling party, and even much of the opposition, seem intent on, if not obsessed with, invading and conquering these Greek islands, on the grounds that they are actually Turkish territory. The things we have done so far [pale in comparison to the] even greater attempts and attacks [we are planning for] the coming days,  inshallah  [Allah willing]." – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, February 12, 2018. The head of the state-funded Directorate of Religious Affairs, the  Diyanet , has openly described Turkey's recent military invasion of Afrin as "jihad." This designation makes sense when one considers that Muslim Turks owe their demographic majority in Asia Minor to centuries of Turkish persecution and discrimination against the Christian, Yazidi and Jewish inhabitants of the area. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11907/turkey-greece-invasion

Shipping first as LNG tanker crosses Arctic in winter without icebreaker escort


The Imagineers of War: The Untold Story of DARPA, the Pentagon Agency That Changed the World

Founded in 1958 in response to the launch of Sputnik, the agency’s original mission was to create “the unimagined weapons of the future.” Over the decades, DARPA has been responsible for countless inventions and technologies that extend well beyond military technology. Sharon Weinberger gives us a riveting account of DARPA’s successes and failures, its remarkable innovations, and its wild-eyed schemes. We see how the threat of nuclear Armageddon sparked investment in computer networking, leading to the Internet, as well as to a proposal to power a missile-destroying particle beam by draining the Great Lakes. We learn how DARPA was responsible during the Vietnam War for both Agent Orange and the development of the world’s first armed drones, and how after 9/11 the agency sparked a national controversy over surveillance with its data-mining research. And we see how DARPA’s success with self-driving cars was followed by disappointing contributions to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Wei

Χάρτης με τα σημεία που επλήγησαν από την Ισραηλινή αεροπορία

                         σε ανταπόδοση των τελευταίων τρομοκρατικών χτυπημάτων με προέλευση την λωρίδα της Γάζας.

2 νεκροί και δύο αγνοούμενοι Τούρκοι στρατιώτες από ανατροπή οχήματος στα σύνορα με την Συρία

Şanlıurfa'da nöbet değişimine giden 4 askerin bulunduğu zırhlı personel taşıyıcı dere suyuna kapıldı. Askerlerden 2'si sudan çıkarken, 2'si kayboldu. Şanlıurfa'nın Suriye sınırındaki Akçakale ilçesinde nöbet değişimine giden 4 askerin bulunduğu zırhlı personel taşıyıcı, şiddetli sağanak sonucu taşan dere suyuna kapılıp devrildi. Araçtaki askerlerden 2'si sudan çıkarken, 2'si ise suya kapılıp kayboldu. Arama ve kurtarma çalışması sürüyor. Olay dün gece Suriye sınırındaki Akçakale-Ceylanpınar kara yolunda bulunan Koçar Deresi’nde meydana geldi. 2’nci Hudut Tabur Komutanlığı’na bağlı 4üncü Bölük’ten nöbet değişimi için Yeşiltepe Karakolu’na giden 4 askerin bulunduğu zırhlı personel taşıyıcı, sağanak nedeniyle taşan dere suyuna kapıldı. Askerlerden 2’si, devrilen askeri araçtan kendi imkanlarıyla çıkarken, diğer 2’si de sel suyuna kapılıp, gözden kayboldu. Askerlerin nöbet değişimine gelmemesi üzerine durumun fark edilmesinin ardından arama ve kur

Καταγγελίες για μεγάλα νοσοκομειακά κενά στην Τουρκία!

Asker doktorlar olmadan savaş kazanılır mı Bir yandan, bütün komşularınla kanlı bıçaklı olacaksın… Diğer yandan, düşman güçlerle çatışma içinde olan askerlerinin en büyük güvencesi olan askeri hekimliği yok edeceksin! Her gün şehit ve yaralı haberleriyle yüreklerimiz yanarken, dile getiremediğimiz bir soru da içimizi kemiriyor: Acaba, GATA’nın ve askeri hastanelerin kapatılması nedeniyle savaş cerrahından yoksun kalan askerlerimiz yaralandıklarında, bu eksiklik duyuluyor mu? Elbette bu soruya sert karşı çıkışlar olacaktır, ama GATA’da yıllarca harp cerrahisi ile uğraşmaktayken, askeri hastaneleri kapatılarak ve  “siz başka işe bakın”  denilerek kapının önüne konulan çok değerli askeri doktorların büyük kaygıları var! ASKERİ DOKTOR GÜVENCEDİR  Osmanlı’dan bugüne kadar, ülkemizin girdiği düzenli savaşlarda olsun, sınırlarımızın içinde veya ötesinde yapılmış olan  "terörist temizleme harekatlarında"  olsun, askerimizin en büyük güvencesi yanı başındaki ask