Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Bahcesehir established the Mediterranean Security Center in Cyprus university

The Mediterranean Security Center (CEMES BAU Cyprus) was established within the                                       University of Bahcesehir Cyprus.

It is a long way, one of the focal points of the geopolitical and geoeconomic struggle of the Mediterranean region in the heart of Cyprus. The actors who try to influence Mediterranean politics in their own favor desire to continue their patrols in the most traditional way of safety, but also dream of a better life (a more economically stronger, more stable, more sheltered life). This makes the Mediterranean an area where old and new security conventions meet. Therefore, the Mediterranean is facing a sea of ​​opportunities where security cooperation can be defined with new tools again, as well as a sea of ​​risks where security combat can be sustained with new and more advanced means. Opportunities and risks at the same time, often for the same actors to steal the door, the reasons for the security dilemma in the region, and how to cooperate under existing or possible security dilemmas. We go through the days of finding the answers to these questions that are of academic, political and social importance.
As is known, in the last 20 years many important geopolitical changes have taken place in the Mediterranean region due to the end of the Cold War, the rise and fall of the Mediterranean projects designed by Western actors, the Arab Spring and Winter, and finally the ongoing regional and civil wars. The regional balance of power has changed, the military balance in the region has changed, civil war among regional actors, armed and unarmed conflicts have occurred, and they still find it; demographic changes, the struggle for arms and the desire for disarmament appear in different forms and become audible. Military interventions and intervention of the great powers in the region have been part of the regional policies, and the region has expanded to encompass the great powers. All these changes have to be made in the geo-economic developments in the region (for example, by constant competition between different trade road plans, With the emergence of new energy sources, forms and transit routes in the region, the need and interest of alternative energy sources - such as civil nuclear energy technology - among regional actors - has been captured and lost by the changing economic, financial and energy policies of the major powers in the region, the exchange of subject-based powers) is not a coincidence. And no one can deny that this interaction between geopolitical and geo-economic issues can create stability and confidence-building as well as destabilizing effects. coincidence and loss of commercial peace chances, the exchange of subject-based forces of regional actors) is not a coincidence. And no one can deny that this interaction between geopolitical and geo-economic issues can create stability and confidence-building as well as destabilizing effects. coincidence and loss of commercial peace chances, the exchange of subject-based forces of regional actors) is not a coincidence. And no one can deny that this interaction between geopolitical and geo-economic issues can create stability and confidence-building as well as destabilizing effects.
Within this framework and under the light of recent developments, it was decided to establish a research center in Bahçeşehir University of Cyprus which will investigate the reasons and means of regional conflicts in the vast Mediterranean basin and possibilities of security cooperation with these conflicts. As of spring 2018, we are pleased to announce the establishment of the center, Bahçeşehir Cyprus University Mediterranean Security Center (CEMES BAU Cyprus). The geopolitical and geoeconomic developments taking place in the area of ​​interest of CEMES are the institutionalized or informal security in the enlarged Mediterranean geography, extending from Gibraltar to the Gulf and covering the two sides of the Mediterranean (North Africa and Southern Europe), with possible impacts on the competition and co- will explore opportunities for cooperation.
CEMES BAU Director of Cyprus Prof. Dr. Nursin Ateşoğlu Güney (nursinatesoglu / @ iisb_bau_Cyprus / Cemes_Bau_Cy) has spoken to CEMES with the following expectation. We hope that CEMES will be a multifaceted, international and international center that expresses scientific analysis and political proposals that will contribute to peace, stability and refinement in the modern Mediterranean region that connects north to south, east to west.


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Κελεύω δεν σημαίνει μόνο .....προστάζω-διατάζω

Αν ανατρέξουμε στην ΒΙΚΙΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ, στο λήμμα Κελευστής, θα διαβάσουμε το παρακάτω: Η λέξη «κελευστής» προέρχεται από το ρήμα κελεύω (προστάζω) . Αν στον ίδιο δικτυακό τόπο, ανατρέξουμε στο λήμμα Κελεύω, θα διαβάσουμε: 1.   Παροτρύνω-παρακινώ      2.   Διατάζω –παραγγέλλω     3.   Ζητώ-αξιώνω     4.   Παρακαλώ-ικετεύω Επιχειρώντας μια βαθύτερη προσέγγιση του όρου κελεύω και του αντίστοιχου βαθμού στο πολεμικό ναυτικό, Κελευστής, ανατρέχουμε, που αλλού;  στην αρχαία ελληνική γραμματεία και φυσικά στον Ξενοφώντα. Η Κρίστυ Εμίλιο Ιωαννίδου, συγγραφεύς και ερευνήτρια ναυτικής ιστορίας, στο βιβλίο της , ΛΕΞΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΑΙΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΝΑΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΟΡΩΝ  και  στο σχετικό λήμμα για τον Κελευστή, αναφέρει επικαλούμενη ως πηγή, το έργο του Ξενοφώντα (ΞΕΝΟΦΩΝΤΟΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟΣ 21,3) Οι μεν των κελευστών δύναται τοιαύτα λέγειν και ποιείν,ώστε ακονάν τας ψυχάς των ανθρώπων επί το εθελοντάς πονείν!!! Αφήνω την μετάφραση για τους αναγνώστες για  να ξεσκονίσουν επί τη ευκαιρί

Τεχνητος πνιγμος

Ο τεχνητος πνιγμος ειναι μια παλαιοτάτη τεχνικη ανακρισης-βασανισμου. Ο ανακρινομενος τοποθετειται με κλιση πανω σε μια στερεη επιφανεια , δενεται σφιχτα και εν συνεχεια τοποθετειται στο προσωπο του μια πετσετα . Η συνεχης ριψη νερου δημιουργει το φαινομενο που διακρινεται στην κατω δεξια μικρη φωτο . Αυτη η κατακλυση με νερο των κοιλοτητων του κεφαλιου που συνδεονται αμεσα με την διαδικασια της αναπνοης , προκαλει ασφυκτικο φαινομενο και οχι μονο (ταχυκαρδιες), τα οποια εχουν και ψυχολογικες προεκτασεις εφοσον το θυμα υποβληθει σε συνεχη διαδικασια τεχνητου πνιγμου. Μελετες εχουν δειξη οτι και μετα 10 χρονια απο την υποβολη στην διαδικασια του τεχνητου πνιγμου τα θυματα εμφανιζουν πλεον των ψυχολογικων επιπτωσεων  πονους στο κεφαλι και πνευμονικες -αναπνευστικες διαταραχες. Ο τεχνητος πνιγμος αποτελει κομματι της εκπαιδευσης των αμερικανικων ειδικων δυναμεων, ενω σαν τεχνικη βασανισμου και ανακρισης εχει χρησιμοποιηθει απο τους Γαλλους στην Αλγερια, τους Αγγλους στην β.Ιρλανδι

Ocean rig CRETE and AMORGOS

  The Ocean Rig Crete and Ocean Rig Amorgos will be the most advanced of Ocean Rig UDW's ultradeepwater drillships when delivered in 2018 and 2019.      Νέα μέλη στον στόλο της Ελληνικής                   εταιρείας                                           Ocean Rig Crete 7 th  Generation New integrated Design Deep Water Drillship. Ocean Rig TBN #1 is a new build and will be completed in Q1 2018. The rig is being built at Samsung Heavy Industries Shipyard in South Korea. The rig has dual activity capabilities and design for drilling operations in water depths up to 3650 meters (12000 feet). The rig is Dynamic Positioned, DP Class 3. Specifications GENERAL Unit name