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Αντιδράσεις για τις πολιτικές επιλογές / επιδιώξεις των ΗΠΑ στην ΦΥΡΟΜ

 Μια ενδιαφέρουσα ανάλυση για το ίδρυμα Σόρος απο το :


The beginnings of the Foundation date back in 1993. George Soros had a proposal list of three candidates for the director of the “Open Society” Institute, and all three of them had same political background. By ideology they belonged to SKM (Sojuz na Komunisti na Makedonija - League of Communists of Macedonia) and based on different, mainly family reasons, they worked as agents in the counterintelligence services.

 The elected one, Vladimir Milcin was a personal favorite of Kiro Gligorov (First President of independent Republic of Macedonia, close to JB Tito) who also wanted to use Milcin to work with the Macedonian diaspora in USA.

 Although officially, the founding documents stated that the Foundation would deal with the assistance and financing of the so-called civil sector, that is the non-governmental organizations to raise the awareness of the citizens as a type of control over the state institutions, the real engagement was strictly  focused on only one goal from the very beginning. 

And that was a control over the media and educational institutions as a wide network of propaganda which would control the state politics, that is, the political parties.

 It was a project which had a plan to overtake the ground and to control it. In order to achieve the idea in an easy manner and without political obstacles by the government of that time (LCM, i.e., LCM-PDP, i.e., SDSM, successors of Communist party) and the opposition (VMRO-DPMNE), in that difficult moment for Macedonia as an unrecognized country with the sanctions imposed by the UNSC on FRY, which Macedonia accepted to comply with (and did not have to because it was not a UN member) and the unilateral trade blockade of Greece to Macedonia (by a silent approval of EEC) as a form of pressure to change the name, George Soros approved a loan of 19 million dollars for procurement of oil through Bulgaria, i.e. Turkey. 

Soros wanted to use that loan as political point, thus on his way to Greece, in the Macedonian Parliament, addressing the Members of Parliament he expressed his proposal to rename the country into “Slavo-Macedonia”.

 All of them, including Kiro Gligorov, rejected it and Soros got it as disrespect for his persona (statement given for the Greek media in Thessalonica). However, that is why the real agenda of the “Open Society” work was immediately effectuated. 

The idea of the executive director Milcin, according to his words, was messianic. He said that he sees himself as Ignatius of Loyola who wants to produce Jesuits, or the elite. Thus, it was a kind of a mission of an extremely narcissistic person suffering from multiple personality disorders which all run in his family. 

 He tried to achieve it through his profession as a movie director when he started working with young people under the age 18 in the high schools. And he was never successful due to his arrogant, cold and aggressive nature. Yet, as a director of the Foundation, supported by lot of money, his idea became successful. The result of his being a director for 23 years is visible everywhere. The Soros network is established and functional. 

The new Macedonian journalists and so-called intellectuals have been grown as mushrooms in a basement. They were advancing both professionally and financially. The latter ones were receiving fees for the alleged scientific papers which were neither published nor evaluated anywhere. They travelled all over the world as part of the network of Soros officials who organized deliberated forums and conferences on certain topics for which they were exuberantly paid. Instead of journalism and science the network of “Sorosoids” were selling Soros (and CIA) propaganda.

 The owners of media, editorial staff and politicians were slowly becoming powerless in front of the network which could change their lives over night.  A story of its own were the so-called Macedonian intellectuals who due to the lack of objective evaluation, depended on the Soros money used to finance their own irrelevant scientific papers which could not find even the weakest filter of a scientific importance.

 They, in cooperation with the existing politicians, made the milieu of “useful idiots” who, without any objections, carried out the tasks assigned to them by Milcin in Macedonia. There is a lot of evidence showing that behind each attempt for counterrevolutions, coup d’etat and the like, and especially production of crises in Macedonia, there has been the signature of Vladimir Milcin and Soros. All the interethnic tensions, political crises, and confrontations, Maidan revolutions, early elections are organized by this media and intellectual grouping.

  It has been especially visible ever since 2006. Together with the network which operates regionally having its headquarters in Budapest, in close cooperation with KANVAS of Srga Popovik, or RESISTANCE of Dragan Gilas and Soros of Sonja Licht, in coalition with the Democratic Party of Boris Tadik, or the liberal democrats of Chedomir Jovanovik, Soros has been well organized and until recently it managed the political life in Serbia. The situation in Hungary is the same.

First money was given to occupy the radio space at national and local level. Then it continued with the TV stations by inclusion of the A1 TV (former private national TV station in Macedonia) station into the network and individual overtaking of the private and commercial sector through cooperation with selected journalists. And finally, in 1995 Soros started the conquering of the printed media. First he bought the printing house (Europe 92 in Kocani) and then he established the daily newspaper “Dnevnik” whose management members became users of Soros fees.

 They started the preparation of the ground for the elections in 1998 managed directly by Madeleine Albright as “changes” by promotion of “new wave” politicians with rightist provenance. Some independent and professional journalists understood the plan and they discussed it with Christopher Hill, the USA ambassador of that time in Macedonia. Then he called from Austria giving the statement which was full of cynism: “The Macedonian people are put on test now and we will see if they are politically mature or they will have to go back to a kindergarten”.

 The Macedonian voters did not pass the test. They fell for the trick of the so-called billion dollars from Taiwan promised to the voters exhausted by the transition by Vasil Tupurkovski, the leader of the ad hoc part Democratic Alternative during the pre-election caravan of the “new wave coalition” The result of the “victory” of Boris Trajkovski (second Macedonian president killed in Airplane accident) at the presidential elections was a pure forgery agreed with the leadership of SDSM (which proposed the worst possible candidate for this position, i.e. Tito Petkovski).

 However after the first round, the results indicated that the people were mature because the worst candidate Petkovski was leading with 150.000 votes more. Then, Madeleine Albright, the chief executive officer of the State Department intervened directly by sending greetings for the victory of Boris Trajkovski. It was clear that Macedonia was in a middle of a forgery. The Macedonian electoral body ignored the “propaganda instructions” given by the Open Society of Soros.

 Then there came the episode of “recognition of Taiwan” for which Macedonia pays dearly even today. In fact, upon the request of Kiro Gligorov, through Boutros Boutros Ghali (UN Secretary General) and through the SC, Macedonia which was not UN member yet and had no recognized interstate borders with FRY(Yugoslavia), and due to security reasons, asked for an international monitoring on the Northern border.

 The mission was approved and as UNPREDEP it was deployed on the administrative line. The Chinese had a key role in the mission. After the recognition of Taiwan, which was an initiative of Vasil Tupurkovski (leader of communist youth in Tito time), P.R. China withdrew from the mission and as a matter of fact closed UNPREDEP, thus Macedonia was left without recognized interstate border and without security monitoring on the northern side. P.R. China also closed its embassy in Skopje, while in the SC Macedonia was completely dependent on the will of USA and both European partners. 

 This inevitably led to the next phase, which we lived through after the assassination of Kiro Gligorov (he survived). From this time distance it could be concluded that the purpose of those who ordered it was by his elimination to bring into power the team of SDSM which individually and through different forms of cooperation had already agreed to deconstruct Macedonia as a state.

 Unfortunately for them, Gligorov survived the assassination and worked off his second mandate as chief of state. The plans had to be postponed for the domestic executors of the assassination not to be discovered. Nobody was taken accountable for the act, there was no solid investigation, there was no case registered in court, there was no political responsibility. That is why the coalition for change and new leaders was launched directly from Washington in 1998. The purpose was to put into function the readmission package which “silently” pushed through the  articles of a law which referred to a joint border protection developed by the USA Army and MPRI instructors (L-3 MPRI, is a global provider of private military contractor services. It offers a wide range of professional services to both public and private customers, most notably the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Law Enforcement organizations, foreign governments, government agencies and commercial businesses).

  It is interesting to mention that to the first attempt of such solution, the Russian ambassador reacted fiercely and he sent a protest note to Blagoj Handziski, the Minister of External Affairs, but it was not taken seriously, and the joint border protection was implemented after the war in 2001.

 The Foundation had a special interest in the Albanian population. It invested a lot of money for the establishment of the Albanian media and intellectuals who were supposed to accomplish the tasks and even today  all of them become active whenever called by Milcin.

 The recognition of the state of Kosovo was Soros project. In Macedonia, Saso Ordanovski, Guner Ismail together with the Soros-Washington counterparts from Kosovo such as Veton Suroi and others advocated for it by the use of propaganda. Another project was the establishment of Albanian “non-governmental” organizations such as “Razbudi se (Awake)”, “Civil”, but also printed newspapers, local radio and TV stations, as well as portals. They, together with the Macedonian “Archi Brigade”, “Singing Skopjans” and “Square Freedom”, which are personal creation of the movie director Milcin, attacked the government project “Skopje 2014”. 

 The purpose was to provoke interethnic conflict for the construction of the city center in a neoclassical style. The selected style was named mono-ethnic architectural expression of the Macedonian ethnic nationalism. There was an attempt for an uprising fighting the discrimination against homosexuals. There was also an unsuccessful attack against the MOC (Macedonian Orthodox Church) as a testimony of the orthodox chauvinism against the Islamic religious community even though the presence of Saudi Arabia could be seen everywhere. Yet, these scenarios failed even though they have been attempts to activate them from time to time. Such an example is the murder of five fishermen near Skopje on Holy Thursday before Easter (2012). 

Or, this year in January for Epiphany when a group of Islamists from Syria were transported to Macedonia through Turkey and Bulgaria and they were Albanians from Kosovo who had the intention to massacre the swimmer in the waters of river Vardar and Ohrid Lake.   

It is interesting that Milcin was pretty invisible while SDSM was in power (until 1998) and in the first two years when the “new wave” of politicians from VMRO-DPMNE together with the Democratic Alternative came to power. Suddenly, in 1999 he fiercely became active, and during the war in 2001 he played a key role in disabling the country to defend itself. He achieved it by activating the media, intellectuals and politicians that used the Soros funds. The country capitulated as a result of blackmails and discreditation. The telephone-tapping was staged as if by the government in the same way as now and with the support of the same MIA (Ministry of Internal Affairs) structures which this time were caught in the act. The same scenario was also used for the preparation of this “putsch”. But now the majority of the people not only remembered the past, but also they completely lost the trust in the Soros network.  The media where the “Jesuits” trained by the Open Society Institute work take fees, but did not manage to win over the people. Their calls to be virtuous as the Ukrainians or to follow the example of Hungarians and the like did not receive a positive response. That is why the children and students are being manipulated now through ad hoc “plenums” and they are being summoned for an uprising against the educational reforms. The level of absurdity of these requests is shown by the fact that, supported by teachers and professor, they demand not to have a math exam for the state matura.

As a result there was an attack on the border post, i.e. the border police station in Goshince (10 days ago).  Even though the logic showed that USA and its European partners would not try to destabilize Macedonia in the same manner as in 2001 using the Albanians from Kosovo, it happened because the Soros team failed drastically. In fact, USA  did not want to bring to the fore the Albanians last year because of Russia which after the operation in Crimea, the possible regional destabilization through Kosovo and the attack on Macedonia, would be considered as a proof that USA and EU, i.e. NATO and EU mission in Kosovo are a total failure. The Balkans has not stabilized and Kosovo as a state is not a guarantee of stability. On the contrary, it is an exporter of destabilization. Yet, despite the logic, it started now in Macedonia, which is a proof of a panic game and lost nerves under the pressure of time.

And now, why does USA want so much to relativize the Northern and from time to time the whole Northwestern border of Macedonia? The reason is simple and it can be traced back in time when the Carter Institute for Democracy in 1993 was preparing the material about the hundredth anniversary of the First World War with a stress on the Balkan wars, but also on the Caucasian Black Sea region publishing a reprint of the Carnegie-Aspen reports. According to the military doctrine of the American Army, the Balkans (the western part) and the Caucasian Black Sea region are territorially compact war zones which should not be overburdened by international borders. More or less it is similar to the current implementation of the Islamic state project.

 That is the elimination of the borders between the countries and establishment of one territorial unit. In order to achieve that, there was a need to ignore the existing borders and to break the traditional and state and political continuity. It was easy with Macedonia because Slobodan Milosevik, upon the request of Greece, rejected to recognize the borders until 1996. The first demarcation was done by the Minister of Internal Affairs of FRY Milutinovik (former ambassador of SFRY in Greece) and Ljubomir Frckovski, Minister of Internal Affairs until 1995 and Minister of External Affairs in the governments of SDSM from 1995 to 1997, who openly and for fees works for the American-Greek interests (memoirs of Gligorov and Andov).

 Because of Kiro Gligorov who belonged to the old political school of SFRY, these wishes of USA were hard to be achieved. The operation went slowly and with a lot of camouflage. Gligorov was not a great promoter of NATO. He preferred military neutrality and EU membership with a slow pace.

  He promoted politics of active neutrality and equidistance toward the neighbors and centers of power. It did not suit the “partners” of Macedonia that were already positioned in the ARM (Army), i.e. the Ministry of Defense and MIA (Police), as well as MEA (Foreign ministry). The Readmission law was used and through the additional package of laws the project also pushed through the one on joint border protection with FRY. Yet it came fully into force after 2001 and now when there is already an interstate border with Kosovo, the former American ambassador Lawrence Butler in front of the media and in the presence of Army representatives physically demonstrated that there was no physical border between Macedonia and Kosovo.

 Thus, this recent attack is a demonstration of the same message which previously had its political version. The Albanian president Edi Rama stated that if Macedonia did not join NATO, the natural unit of pan-Albanian state would be activated. Since Kosovo is a NATO Protectorate and managed by EU, it is interesting that the Goshince incident was not commented by any of these two structures. It is obvious that it was a trial test to assess the terrain and the reactions of the country.

Anyhow, the thing that does not go according to the plan, is the strong will of the Macedonian citizens who after two and a half decades of psychological terror and permanent blockades obviously have finally passed the kindergarten phase and do not trust anymore the propaganda and the networks which are being spread. They have lost the trust in the “ideal” of EU and NATO as the “only choice” and ask from the state to efficiently overcome this crisis as well.

This time we are talking about a crucial phase for Macedonia. It must play cautiously because of the environment (Euro-Atlantic), because of the internally present installed structures and networks, because of the ethnic composition of the population and the neighbors that in one or another way contest it for historic reasons. Its priorities should include breaking of the networks, renewal of the parties, redefinition of the Macedonian state politics, in accordance with the new world reality, reform of the education and introduction of high standards, liberation of the media space from the Soros clones


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